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Laurie Reding September 28, 2019
"Love these sweet vets. So good for our girl"
Marianna Mejia September 25, 2019
"Have taken my Peanut to this vet 3 times now they have great staff! Very friendly and they’re quick to answer any questions I may have, they call and check in on Peanut after his visits. All around a great place!"
Diane Nestlerode September 8, 2019
"Love these two lady vets. So compassionate to my fur babies!!"
Julie Mathews August 13, 2019
"They truly care about every animal and fur baby brought in. Everyone is super friendly and when i had ankle surgery and couldnt make the drive to get my dogs dogfood, dr williamson was nice enough to bring it to my house. Thats just one of many great stories i could share. They go above and beyond ❤❤❤❤❤"
Angela Davis June 8, 2019
"We've been going to Williamsburg for over 35 years and we wouldn't trust the health of our furry babies to anyone else."
Franci Fullerton June 1, 2019
"This animal hospital was very kind to us when our darling little 16 year old Poodle fell off the bed and broke her lower jaw. We took her there because our regular vet was recuperating from surgery. Rosie was a pure breed papered apricot Poodle. She was the Queen and we loved her so much. The vets x-rayed her and said her bones were so porous that they weren't sure they could put her back together nor were they confident in her making it through a surgery at her fragile age. They did not tell us what to do. They said if we wanted to try and fix her jaw they'd do their best. They said it still might not allow her to eat but that we could try to hand feed her very soft food._Oh, it was so hard. They did not rush us, roll their eyes or seem impatient. I will always be grateful that they gave us all the information we needed to make a decision that we wouldn't regret. My husband asked to see the x-ray and that cinched it as her little bones looked like tiny swiss cheese. We called our daughter. We all petted her and loved on her and talked to her. After her passing we brought her home and buried her in a special place. So that was Rosie's final chapter. We've always felt at peace about it. Those vets were so kind and understanding, I will always recommend them highly."