Microchipping Your Pet: Why is it so Important?

Microchipping has become an essential practice for pet owners around the world. This small, electronic chip, typically the size of a grain of rice, is implanted under the skin of your pet, usually between the shoulder blades. Each chip contains a unique identification number that can be detected by a microchip scanner. This number is linked to your contact information in a registry, allowing veterinarians, animal shelters, and authorities to identify and reunite lost pets with their owners swiftly.

How Microchips Work

The microchip itself does not have a power source or moving parts. It is activated by a radio frequency scanner that sends a signal to the chip, powering it momentarily and transmitting the identification number stored in the chip’s memory. This number is then displayed on the scanner’s screen, enabling the person scanning the pet to retrieve the contact details of the owner from the registry database.

Benefits of Microchipping

Permanent Identification

Unlike collars and tags that can fall off or be removed, a microchip provides a permanent form of identification for your pet. This ensures that even if your pet loses its collar or tag, it can still be identified and returned to you.

Safety and Security

Microchipping significantly increases the chances of being reunited with a lost pet. According to statistics, microchipped pets are more than twice as likely to be returned to their owners compared to those without microchips. This is because shelters and veterinary clinics routinely scan lost pets for microchips as part of their intake procedures.

Legal Requirements and Regulations

In many places, microchipping dogs is a legal requirement. It helps ensure responsible pet ownership and aids in reducing the number of stray animals in communities. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines or other penalties for pet owners.

Do You Have to Microchip Your Pet?

In some regions, microchipping your pet is mandatory by law. Even in places where it’s not legally required, it is strongly recommended by veterinarians and animal welfare organizations. The benefits of microchipping far outweigh any potential concerns, making it a worthwhile investment in your pet’s safety and well-being.

Addressing Common Concerns

Safety and Comfort

One of the primary concerns pet owners may have about microchipping is whether it is safe and comfortable for their pets. The procedure is relatively quick and causes minimal discomfort, similar to a routine vaccination. The chip itself is biocompatible, meaning it is designed to integrate with the pet’s body without causing any adverse reactions.

Privacy and Data Security

Another concern is the privacy and security of personal information stored in the microchip registry. It’s important to choose a reputable registry service that adheres to strict privacy policies and data protection regulations. The information stored is typically limited to contact details necessary for reuniting pets with their owners and is accessible only to authorized personnel.

The Procedure

Microchipping is performed by a trained veterinarian or licensed technician. The process involves inserting the microchip under the pet’s skin using a hypodermic needle. It’s a quick procedure that can be done during a regular veterinary visit, and the discomfort experienced by pets is minimal and short-lived.

Microchipping: A Responsible Choice

Choosing to microchip your pet is a responsible decision that can greatly increase the likelihood of a lost pet finding its way back home. It provides peace of mind knowing that even if your pet gets lost or separated from you, there’s a reliable way for others to identify and contact you.


Microchipping your pet is more than just a precautionary measure; it’s a proactive step towards ensuring the safety and security of your furry companion. By providing a permanent form of identification, microchips significantly enhance the chances of reuniting lost pets with their owners. Whether mandated by law or not, microchipping is widely recommended by veterinarians and animal welfare experts as an essential part of responsible pet ownership.

Need a Small Animal Hospital in Pauls Valley, OK?

At Williamsburg Small Animal Hospital, we are dedicated to ensuring the well-being of your pets, especially during the scorching summer months. If you have any concerns about keeping your furry friends safe and healthy in the heat, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team of experienced veterinarians is here to provide you with personalized advice and top-notch care. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our services. Let’s work together to keep your pets safe and happy all summer long!

How to Keep Your Pet Safe in Hot Weather

As the temperatures rise, it’s crucial to prioritize how to keep pets safe in hot weather. Our furry friends rely on us to ensure their well-being, especially during the scorching summer months. Here are essential tips to ensure summer safety for pets:

1. Hydration Is Key

Just like humans, pets need plenty of water to stay hydrated. Always provide fresh, cool water in a clean bowl. Consider placing multiple water bowls around your home and refill them regularly, especially if your pet spends time outdoors.

2. Avoid Overexertion

During hot weather, limit your pet’s exercise to cooler times of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Asphalt and concrete can get extremely hot and burn your pet’s paws, so opt for grassy areas or paths with shade.

3. Provide Shade and Ventilation

Ensure your pet has access to shaded areas throughout the day. Whether they are indoors or outdoors, adequate ventilation is crucial to prevent overheating. Consider using fans or air conditioning indoors.

4. Never Leave Pets in Parked Vehicles

Even on moderately warm days, the temperature inside a parked car can quickly soar to dangerous levels. Never leave your pet unattended in a parked vehicle, even with the windows cracked open.

5. Protective Grooming

Regular grooming helps your pet stay cool. Brushing out excess fur helps improve air circulation to their skin. However, be cautious with trimming their fur excessively, as it can also provide insulation from the heat and sunburn.

6. Cooling Techniques

Use cooling mats, damp towels, or even a small pool filled with water for your pet to cool off. Frozen treats like ice cubes or ice-packed toys can also provide relief from the heat.

7. Watch for Signs of Heatstroke

Know the signs of heatstroke in pets, which include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, vomiting, and collapse. If you suspect heatstroke, move your pet to a cooler area, offer water, and seek veterinary attention immediately.

8. Protective Gear

Consider using pet-safe sunscreen on exposed areas of your pet’s skin, especially if they have light-colored fur or are hairless breeds. Consult your veterinarian for recommendations on suitable sunscreen products.

9. Keep Paws Cool

Hot surfaces like asphalt, sand, or metal can burn your pet’s paw pads. Walk your pet on grassy or shaded areas, and consider protective booties if they need to walk on hot surfaces.

10. Travel Safely

If traveling with your pet during hot weather, plan ahead by ensuring your vehicle is well-ventilated and stocked with water. Make frequent stops for bathroom breaks and exercise in shaded areas.


By following these tips for how to keep pets safe in hot weather, you can ensure your furry companions stay healthy and happy throughout the summer months. Remember, responsible pet ownership means being proactive in protecting them from the heat. With these precautions in place, you and your pet can enjoy the season safely together.

Need a Small Animal Hospital in Pauls Valley, OK?

At Williamsburg Small Animal Hospital, we are dedicated to ensuring the well-being of your pets, especially during the scorching summer months. If you have any concerns about keeping your furry friends safe and healthy in the heat, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our team of experienced veterinarians is here to provide you with personalized advice and top-notch care. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our services. Let’s work together to keep your pets safe and happy all summer long!

Kennel Cough: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Kennel cough is a highly contagious respiratory infection that affects dogs of all ages and breeds. Also known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis, kennel cough is commonly spread in places where dogs are in close proximity to one another, such as boarding facilities, grooming salons, and dog parks. In this blog post, we will discuss the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of kennel cough to help dog owners better understand this common illness and how to protect their furry friends.

Understanding Kennel Cough

Kennel cough is caused by a combination of viruses and bacteria, including Bordetella bronchiseptica, canine parainfluenza virus, and canine adenovirus. These pathogens infect the dog’s respiratory tract, leading to inflammation and irritation of the trachea and bronchi. The main symptom of kennel cough is a persistent, dry cough that can be triggered by excitement, exercise, or pressure applied to the dog’s trachea.

Other symptoms of kennel cough may include:

1. Sneezing

2. Nasal discharge

3. Runny eyes

4. Mild fever

5. Loss of appetite

In severe cases, kennel cough can progress to pneumonia, especially in young puppies, elderly dogs, or dogs with weakened immune systems. It is essential to monitor your dog’s symptoms closely and seek veterinary care if the cough persists or worsens.

Treatment for Kennel Cough

Most cases of kennel cough are mild and resolve on their own within 1-2 weeks with proper rest and supportive care. However, in some instances, veterinary treatment may be necessary to manage symptoms and prevent complications. Your veterinarian may recommend the following treatment options for kennel cough:

1. Cough suppressants: Medications to help alleviate your dog’s cough and reduce irritation of the respiratory tract.

2. Antibiotics: If a bacterial infection is suspected, antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the underlying cause of kennel cough.

3. Rest and isolation: In order to prevent the spread of kennel cough to other dogs, it is important to keep your infected dog isolated and provide plenty of rest until they fully recover.

4. Humidifier: Using a humidifier in the room where your dog sleeps can help alleviate respiratory irritation and promote healing.

In severe cases of kennel cough or if pneumonia develops, hospitalization and more advanced treatments may be necessary. It is crucial to follow your veterinarian’s recommendations closely and provide your dog with the care they need to recover fully from kennel cough.

Preventing Kennel Cough

Preventing kennel cough is essential for maintaining the health and well-being of your dog, as well as preventing the spread of the infection to other dogs. Here are some key strategies for preventing kennel cough:

1. Vaccination: The most effective way to prevent kennel cough is through vaccination. The Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccine is commonly recommended for dogs that are frequently in contact with other dogs, such as those that visit boarding facilities or participate in dog shows.

2. Avoid high-risk environments: Limit your dog’s exposure to crowded or poorly ventilated areas where kennel cough can easily spread, such as boarding facilities, grooming salons, and dog parks.

3. Maintain good hygiene: Regularly clean and disinfect your dog’s living space, food and water bowls, and toys to prevent the spread of germs that can cause kennel cough.

4. Support your dog’s immune system: Provide your dog with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and routine veterinary care to help boost their immune system and protect against infections.

By taking these preventive measures, you can help safeguard your dog from kennel cough and reduce the risk of infection in your household.


Kennel cough is a common respiratory infection that can affect dogs of all ages and breeds. By understanding the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of kennel cough, dog owners can ensure their furry friends stay healthy and happy. If your dog shows signs of kennel cough, such as a persistent cough or other respiratory symptoms, it is essential to seek veterinary care for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. With proper care and preventive measures, you can help protect your dog from kennel cough and provide them with a safe and comfortable environment to thrive.

Need a Small Animal Hospital in Pauls Valley, OK?

When it comes to keeping your dogs and cats up-to-date on their vaccines, it is crucial to work with a reliable veterinary clinic. Williamsburg Small Animal Hospital is an excellent option for all your pet’s vaccination and small pet needs. We understand the importance of vaccinations in preventing diseases and will guide you through the vaccination schedule for your dog or cat. In addition to vaccines, we also offer a wide range of veterinary services for your pets, including wellness exams, dental care, surgical procedures, and diagnostics. Our team is committed to providing top-notch care to keep your pets healthy and happy. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

Itchy Pets: How To Tell If Your Pet Has Ticks or Fleas


As pet owners, we love our furry friends and want to ensure their well-being. However, our beloved pets are susceptible to various pests, such as ticks and fleas, which can cause discomfort and health issues. In this blog post, we will discuss the warning signs that may indicate the presence of ticks or fleas on your dogs or cats. Moreover, we will emphasize the importance of seeking veterinary care to protect and treat your furry companions.

1. Excessive Scratching and Biting:

One of the first signs you may notice if your pet has ticks or fleas is excessive scratching or biting at their fur. These pests irritate your pet’s skin, causing them to itch and exhibit signs of discomfort. Consequently, if you observe your pet frequently scratching, biting, or licking certain areas of their body, it might be a sign of ticks or fleas infestation.

2. Visible Presence of Ticks or Fleas:

Ticks and fleas can often be identified by their physical appearance. Ticks are typically visible to the naked eye, especially when they become engorged after feeding. They may resemble small black or brown bumps on your pet’s skin, mainly in areas such as the neck, ears, armpits, or groin. On the other hand, fleas are tiny, fast-moving insects, difficult to spot individually. However, you may notice small black specks (flea dirt) on your pet’s skin or in their bedding, which is a strong indication of a flea infestation.

3. Hair Loss and Skin Irritation:

When ticks and fleas infest your pet’s fur, they can cause hair loss, skin redness, and irritation. Intense scratching due to the constant biting and itching can lead to patches of missing fur or thinning hair. The presence of redness, inflammation, or visible sores on your pet’s skin can be a crucial warning sign that it’s time for a veterinary check-up to address these issues promptly.

4. Anemia and Weakness:

Severe infestations of ticks and fleas can lead to anemia in your pets. Fleas, especially, are known for their ability to consume large amounts of blood, potentially causing your pet to become weak and lethargic. If you observe symptoms such as persistent fatigue, weakness, or pale gums, it is vital to seek immediate veterinary attention. Untreated anemia can be life-threatening for your furry friend.

5. Prompt Diagnosis and Treatment:

The presence of ticks and fleas is not just a nuisance for your pets but can also cause a range of health complications. Therefore, it is crucial to see a veterinarian as soon as you suspect an infestation. Veterinarians have the expertise to diagnose the problem accurately, assess its severity, and provide appropriate treatment options. They may recommend oral or topical medications, flea collars, or specialized shampoos and dips to combat the infestation effectively.

6. Prevention of Secondary Infections:

Ticks and fleas don’t just cause itching and discomfort to your pets; they can also transmit diseases and infections. The scratching caused by these pests can break the skin, making your pet susceptible to secondary infections. By seeking veterinary care, you can ensure that any potential infections are promptly diagnosed and treated to prevent further complications.

7. Protection for Your Entire Family:

Ticks and fleas not only affect your pets but can also pose a threat to you and your family’s well-being. These pests can hitch a ride on your pet and find their way into your home, potentially biting human family members as well. Some tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease, can also be transmitted to humans. Therefore, by addressing the issue through vet visits, you can safeguard the health of both your pets and your family.


Maintaining the health and happiness of our pets is a top priority as responsible pet owners. Recognizing the warning signs of ticks and fleas is key to protecting our beloved companions from discomfort and potential health risks. If you notice excessive scratching, visible pests, hair loss, or any signs of anemia, it is crucial to consult with a veterinarian. The expertise of a vet will enable early diagnosis and effective treatment, ensuring the well-being of your furry friend and your family. Remember, prevention, timely treatment, and regular vet visits are the best ways to keep your pets tick and flea-free.

Need a Small Animal Hospital in Pauls Valley, OK?

When it comes to keeping your dogs and cats up-to-date on their vaccines, it is crucial to work with a reliable veterinary clinic. Williamsburg Small Animal Hospital is an excellent option for all your pet’s vaccination and small pet needs. We understand the importance of vaccinations in preventing diseases and will guide you through the vaccination schedule for your dog or cat. In addition to vaccines, we also offer a wide range of veterinary services for your pets, including wellness exams, dental care, surgical procedures, and diagnostics. Our team is committed to providing top-notch care to keep your pets healthy and happy. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

National Pet Dental Health Month 2024


February is widely recognized as National Pet Dental Health Month, emphasizing the significance of oral hygiene for our furry companions. Just like humans, pets can develop dental problems that can lead to significant health issues if left untreated. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of getting your pet’s teeth checked out and the risk factors associated with neglecting their dental health.

Understanding the Significance of Pet Dental Health

Maintaining good dental hygiene for pets is crucial for their overall health and well-being. Just like humans, pets can suffer from dental issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, and periodontal disease. These problems can lead to pain, discomfort, difficulty eating, and even infections that may impact their quality of life. Regular dental check-ups can help identify any oral health issues early on, allowing for timely treatment and prevention of further complications.

The Consequences of Neglecting Pet Dental Health

Neglecting your pet’s dental health can have serious consequences. Poor oral hygiene can lead to the formation of plaque and tartar on their teeth, which can eventually progress to gum disease. If left untreated, gum disease can result in gum infections, tooth loss, bone damage, and systemic health problems. The bacteria present in the mouth can enter the bloodstream, potentially affecting vital organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys. Neglecting your pet’s dental health can ultimately lead to unnecessary suffering and increased veterinary expenses in the long run.

Recognizing the Risk Factors

Several risk factors make pets more susceptible to dental problems. Small breed dogs, such as Yorkshire Terriers and Chihuahuas, are more prone to dental issues due to the crowded nature of their teeth. Similarly, brachycephalic breeds, like Bulldogs and Pugs, often face dental challenges due to their unique jaw alignment. Age also plays a role, as older pets are more likely to develop dental issues. Additionally, certain diets, such as soft foods or excessive amounts of sugary treats, can contribute to dental plaque formation. Understanding these risk factors can motivate pet owners to stay vigilant about their pet’s dental health.

The Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups

Regular dental check-ups are crucial for monitoring and maintaining your pet’s oral health. Veterinarians are trained to identify early signs of dental problems that may go unnoticed by pet owners. During a dental examination, they thoroughly inspect your pet’s mouth, teeth, and gums, checking for any abnormalities, plaque buildup, or signs of infection. If necessary, they may recommend a professional dental cleaning or other treatments to address any dental issues.

Home Dental Care Practices

In addition to regular veterinary check-ups, pet owners should establish a home dental care routine for their furry friends. Brushing your pet’s teeth daily or at least two to three times a week can significantly reduce the buildup of plaque and tartar. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush specifically designed for pets, along with pet-friendly toothpaste. Dental chews, specially formulated for oral health, can also help control plaque and freshen your pet’s breath. It’s important to introduce these practices gradually and make them a positive experience for your pet.

Preventive Measures for Oral Health

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to dental health. By taking proactive measures, pet owners can minimize the risk of dental problems for their furry friends. Providing appropriate chew toys can help promote oral health and reduce plaque buildup. Feeding a balanced diet that includes dental-friendly dry kibble may also help control dental issues. Additionally, incorporating water additives or oral rinses specifically designed for pets can further promote their oral hygiene.


National Pet Dental Health Month 2024 serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene for our beloved pets. Neglecting their dental health can lead to various health issues, including gum disease and systemic infections. By being aware of the risk factors, regular dental check-ups, establishing a home care routine, and taking preventive measures, pet owners can ensure their furry friends have healthy teeth and gums. Prioritizing pet dental health leads to happier, healthier lives for our loyal companions.

Need a Small Animal Hospital in Pauls Valley, OK?

When it comes to keeping your dogs and cats up-to-date on their vaccines, it is crucial to work with a reliable veterinary clinic. Williamsburg Small Animal Hospital is an excellent option for all your pet’s vaccination and small pet needs. We understand the importance of vaccinations in preventing diseases and will guide you through the vaccination schedule for your dog or cat. In addition to vaccines, we also offer a wide range of veterinary services for your pets, including wellness exams, dental care, surgical procedures, and diagnostics. Our team is committed to providing top-notch care to keep your pets healthy and happy. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!